Prairie Magic

About The Series

  •  The award-winning Adventure Seekers Saga is a series of four visionary fiction novels beautifully illustrated with original Odin’s Runes and Hope’s Heart Tarot Cards.
  • The fast-paced adventure, liberally sprinkled with witty banter and comical situations, takes place in an Old West setting you’d like to visit with characters you’d love to meet.
  • Throughout the series, ancient wisdom helps our heroes conquer modern-day problems as they muse about Tarot cards and moon over Rune stones.
  • Books about horses for people who love horses!
  • Honoring the glory of horses. Amazing steeds STAR in all four novels of the award-winning Adventure Seekers Saga.
  • The wisdom of horses saves the day time and again in these stories of struggle and triumph!
  • Mr. Tokada Good Elk, world famous horseman and author, teaches us that our horses are also our teachers.
  • An equine cast of pintos, thoroughbreds, and Prairie Magic’s own warmblood breed, the Dakota Hest, will win your heart and capture your imagination.