The Seeker’s Journey: Kate’s Story

May 4th 2019 As a professional Tarot reader, I sharpen my skills in the same fashion a pianist plays the scales: by applying Tarot concepts to a real-life situation. Trust me, the process is more fun than you might think, so don’t run for the hills just yet. Whether you’re an experienced reader, or just curious about Tarot cards, this simple exercise can prove beneficial for yourself and others. My hope is that this blog will inspire you to try it for yourself. In this example, I’ll work with the progression of the 22 Major Arcana cards that pave the path for our highest and holiest missions in life. It is true that we have little or no control over many of these divine situations. The only choice we sometimes have is to summon the courage and conviction required to take the leap of faith to set foot on our daring journey. Along the way, the 56 messages of the Minor Arcana will spell out the day-to-day issues, where our own personal power lies in the four suits of the Minor Arcana—the Cups for matters of the heart, Coins for management of resources, Wands for implementation of effort, and Swords for decisions and communication. But that’s another story. Today’s practice will focus only on the big-picture events of the sacred Major Arcana. How does it work? The first step is to invent a character who finds her/himself in a dead-end situation. Yes, a zillion ideas bubble up. What popped into my head was this: At the end of her rope, Kate can’t fathom attending her 10-year high school reunion. She feels like a failure after dropping out of college two months into her freshman year. Also, she was never friends with many of her classmates anyway. But mainly, she has to work that weekend. At her third job. Stocking shelves at a truck stop. Ugh. For Kate, the future looks bleak. Desperate for change, she boldly sets her sights on Nursing school. So pop some corn and sit back in your recliner. It’s story time! The Seeker Kate’s fed up. She’s sick of working all the time and still not being able to pay all her bills. She’s disenchanted with inebriated patrons at the bar she tends and remains uninspired, her only form of entertainment—bad TV. Worse yet, her dismal future holds more of the same. So, she applies for financial aid and enrolls at a local university. With a trembling voice, she quits two of her dead-end jobs. Committed to a better life, she swings a backpack over her shoulder, boldly makes her way through a swarm of college kids in a brand-new pair of knock-off Birkenstock sandals, takes her seat in the front row of Biology 101, and thereby becomes The Seeker. Whether she realizes it or not, Kate’s on a sacred journey. The Magician During her second week, Kate takes advantage of a study break. Mindlessly, she wanders across campus, finds a quiet spot in the shade of an oak tree, and plops down to rest in the warm grass. With a ragged breath and troubled mind, she turns her tired face to the late summer sky. Help me, she silently pleads. As if by miracle, the voices of nearby students ring clearly. “If it’s not connected to God, it doesn’t have any magic,” she overhears. Hmmm, she contemplates as she accepts the divine message. Instinctively, she rests her back against the tree trunk and becomes one with all that is, all that was and all that ever will be. Magic requires me to become The Magician, she realizes. So, she vows to maintain her connection to this Higher Power, allowing divine energy to rule over her relationships, possessions, attention and decisions, which represent, of course, the four suits of the Minor Arcana. The High Priestess For the next few weeks, synchronicity connects her to empowered beings. “This class is designed to help you appreciate the importance of nurses in the medical arts,” her Intro to Nursing professor instructs, channeling the energy of The High Priestess. “Doctors, patients, loved ones of the sick and injured…they will all need you!” she emphasizes, confirming Kate’s commitment to her studies. The Empress and The Emperor “What kind of life will you create for yourself?” her grandmother asks, assuming the role of The Empress. “Have you thought about how you will manage your career and finances?” her older brother questions. In Kate’s eyes, he had always been The Emperor. The Hierophant At a Christmas party, Kate meets the head RN for a local hospital. Her Hierophant stance helps Kate to contemplate the bigger picture. Their conversation sheds light on the specialized fields within the medical industry. “Neonatal,” Kate tells her brother later that night. “I want to help babies.” The Lovers On New Year’s Eve, Kate again crosses paths with the head RN. “Neonatal,” she proudly tells her new friend. A few weeks later, while reporting back to the university for her second semester, the RN shoots her a text informing her of a guaranteed opportunity to volunteer Tuesday afternoons at the local Neonatal unit. What would otherwise be a no-brainer becomes complicated when Kate realizes she will have to drop an important Chemistry 101 class to make room in her busy schedule. She wonders, Should I follow my head and go to class or follow my heart and report to the hospital? It’s sign up now or wait until next semester. Kate’s heart wins, of course, and she calls the RN with the good news. The energy of The Lovers card will work like a charm. The Chariot The commitment to neonatal helps Kate to unveil her divine mission. The Seeker is qualified for a swift ride on The Chariot. Her circumstances are about to leap forward to a promising future. While comforting a premature little girl, the doctor on staff takes note. “How long have you been working with us?” he asks. “Two months,” she answers without taking