12 Reasons to Try Tarot!

Bucket lists. Most of us have one. Skydiving. African Safari. Bull riding (well, maybe not bull riding). Getting a Tarot reading. As your friendly Tarot professional, I’m going to suggest you strike the last one. Why? Well, in my humble opinion, it’s not as wild and crazy as you might think and therefore, not really “bucket” worthy. Not to burst your bubble, but it doesn’t even qualify as “weird.” In fact, getting a Tarot reading can be considered a normal activity. In my own practice in Sturgis, South Dakota, folks from all walks of life—office workers, nurses, lawyers, flight attendants, drug reps, cowboys (yes, cowboys), and teachers—schedule sessions to shine light on lofty goals, lend strength to overcome painful losses or offer wise counsel to encourage a more dignified lifestyle. Although sometimes pegged as “New Age,” divination arts are really nothing new. Rune throwing, for example—which involves the Norwegian alphabet sketched into small rocks—dates back thousands of years. The messages of each letter, many of them identical to the ones we use today, spell out life’s trials and triumphs in predictable patterns that still hold true in our modern world. The cards of the Tarot, which originated in 15th century Europe, are much younger than the Rune stones, yet express the same sage advice. Why? Because ancient wisdom operates off two obvious premises: 1) It’s really old and therefore stands the test of time. 2) It’s, well, WISE and chock-full of great ideas. Everything that can and WILL happen to you in life is foretold in the 24 letters of the Elder FUThARK of the Norwegian alphabet and the 78 cards of the Tarot. While I could offer you countless reasons to try Tarot—this blog lists 12—I can give you ZERO reasons against it. Not a single one. During my long career, I’ve successfully wrestled with every imaginable objection. Here are just a few (along with my answers to those objections): No. I’m not a witch. Nor am I practicing the craft. I’m a recovering engineer who fled Corporate America in the year 2000 with my hair on fire. While it is true that witches sometimes consult with Tarot, they also light candles, enjoy the company of cats, brew tea and are partial to brooms. None of those activities are considered occult practices. No. Reading Tarot is not devil worshipping. I don’t even know what that is. No. A Tarot card isn’t evil. It’s a cardstock paper product. Yes. Somehow, someway, we always seem to draw the right cards. No, I don’t know how it works, but I don’t know how my cell phone works, either and I still manage to make calls, text friends and cruise Facebook. Yes. You can still be Christian/Catholic/Methodist/Unchurched/whatever and benefit from the Tarot. The powerful messages glorify a Higher Power and only reinforce, never hinder, belief systems. No. Tarot cards aren’t exotic. Whether you realize it or not, you probably already have a relationship with 52 of them as these became today’s playing decks. What did you think the Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs and Spades were all about? Your passion, wealth, energy and mind, of course. Yes, what I’m suggesting is this: If you’ve ever played Go Fish, Gin Rummy or Old Maid, you’ve handled and worked with the Tarot. One last thing…NO, the Tarot does NOT predict the future. It’s a tool of self-discovery that helps you create the future. If that’s not enough justification to try Tarot, here are my top 12 reasons to give it a whirl: It’s a NEW ADVENTURE! Brave something new! Surely there’s an area of your life that feels like a dead end. Resistance to change only leads to stagnation. The Tarot operates as a wonderful flashlight, exposing roadblocks and uncovering opportunities. Empowerment, clarity and self-worth await! Most readers offer $20 mini-sessions. In other words, for the price of a few fancy coffees you could experience something that could really give you a jolt! After all, a fresh perspective could be just what you need to rouse your revolutionary spirit. 2. It’s FUN! The Tarot will ALWAYS deliver reasons to celebrate! Joy and laughter are important outcomes of readings. Your session will lift your spirits and leave you feeling light-hearted. Yes, the Tarot loves to party! And after a good reading, you will, too. 3. You’ll feel RICHER! Your Tarot reader will help you count your blessings. And when you do, you’ll agree with ancient wisdom: We all must practice excellent stewardship. This means we only hold on to possessions that we need, use or love. Clutter, junk, duplicate items all need to be donated or disposed. The cash in our wallets and money in our banks must be treated with respect. After your session, you’ll feel inspired to practice discipline and gratitude. Good habits will lead to a state of resourceful stability. You will feel wealthy, regardless of the amount of greens in your wallet or bucks in the bank. 4. To live your VIRTUE Living in virtue requires that what you say, think and do are in alignment. In order to reach this lofty standard of living, you must discover and recover your authentic self. Sometimes, that’s not so easy. Social pressures and unholy measurements of success can divert us from our true nature. Fear of abandonment, worrying about not fitting in, feeling like a failure can intrude into our psyche and rob us of our joy. The Tarot offers remedies, of course, and can get us back on a more sacred and sustainable track. You might as well just let go of what others might think and just be yourself. After all…everyone else is taken! HA! Your Tarot reader will help you find (and burn) false fronts. Wouldn’t it be a better idea to address your insecurities than walk around in heavy armor to protect them? I think so, too. The wisdom of the Tarot helps us appreciate and nurture our true selves. 5. To gain CLARITY A keen, sharp mind is a marvelous
The Seeker’s Journey: Kate’s Story

May 4th 2019 As a professional Tarot reader, I sharpen my skills in the same fashion a pianist plays the scales: by applying Tarot concepts to a real-life situation. Trust me, the process is more fun than you might think, so don’t run for the hills just yet. Whether you’re an experienced reader, or just curious about Tarot cards, this simple exercise can prove beneficial for yourself and others. My hope is that this blog will inspire you to try it for yourself. In this example, I’ll work with the progression of the 22 Major Arcana cards that pave the path for our highest and holiest missions in life. It is true that we have little or no control over many of these divine situations. The only choice we sometimes have is to summon the courage and conviction required to take the leap of faith to set foot on our daring journey. Along the way, the 56 messages of the Minor Arcana will spell out the day-to-day issues, where our own personal power lies in the four suits of the Minor Arcana—the Cups for matters of the heart, Coins for management of resources, Wands for implementation of effort, and Swords for decisions and communication. But that’s another story. Today’s practice will focus only on the big-picture events of the sacred Major Arcana. How does it work? The first step is to invent a character who finds her/himself in a dead-end situation. Yes, a zillion ideas bubble up. What popped into my head was this: At the end of her rope, Kate can’t fathom attending her 10-year high school reunion. She feels like a failure after dropping out of college two months into her freshman year. Also, she was never friends with many of her classmates anyway. But mainly, she has to work that weekend. At her third job. Stocking shelves at a truck stop. Ugh. For Kate, the future looks bleak. Desperate for change, she boldly sets her sights on Nursing school. So pop some corn and sit back in your recliner. It’s story time! The Seeker Kate’s fed up. She’s sick of working all the time and still not being able to pay all her bills. She’s disenchanted with inebriated patrons at the bar she tends and remains uninspired, her only form of entertainment—bad TV. Worse yet, her dismal future holds more of the same. So, she applies for financial aid and enrolls at a local university. With a trembling voice, she quits two of her dead-end jobs. Committed to a better life, she swings a backpack over her shoulder, boldly makes her way through a swarm of college kids in a brand-new pair of knock-off Birkenstock sandals, takes her seat in the front row of Biology 101, and thereby becomes The Seeker. Whether she realizes it or not, Kate’s on a sacred journey. The Magician During her second week, Kate takes advantage of a study break. Mindlessly, she wanders across campus, finds a quiet spot in the shade of an oak tree, and plops down to rest in the warm grass. With a ragged breath and troubled mind, she turns her tired face to the late summer sky. Help me, she silently pleads. As if by miracle, the voices of nearby students ring clearly. “If it’s not connected to God, it doesn’t have any magic,” she overhears. Hmmm, she contemplates as she accepts the divine message. Instinctively, she rests her back against the tree trunk and becomes one with all that is, all that was and all that ever will be. Magic requires me to become The Magician, she realizes. So, she vows to maintain her connection to this Higher Power, allowing divine energy to rule over her relationships, possessions, attention and decisions, which represent, of course, the four suits of the Minor Arcana. The High Priestess For the next few weeks, synchronicity connects her to empowered beings. “This class is designed to help you appreciate the importance of nurses in the medical arts,” her Intro to Nursing professor instructs, channeling the energy of The High Priestess. “Doctors, patients, loved ones of the sick and injured…they will all need you!” she emphasizes, confirming Kate’s commitment to her studies. The Empress and The Emperor “What kind of life will you create for yourself?” her grandmother asks, assuming the role of The Empress. “Have you thought about how you will manage your career and finances?” her older brother questions. In Kate’s eyes, he had always been The Emperor. The Hierophant At a Christmas party, Kate meets the head RN for a local hospital. Her Hierophant stance helps Kate to contemplate the bigger picture. Their conversation sheds light on the specialized fields within the medical industry. “Neonatal,” Kate tells her brother later that night. “I want to help babies.” The Lovers On New Year’s Eve, Kate again crosses paths with the head RN. “Neonatal,” she proudly tells her new friend. A few weeks later, while reporting back to the university for her second semester, the RN shoots her a text informing her of a guaranteed opportunity to volunteer Tuesday afternoons at the local Neonatal unit. What would otherwise be a no-brainer becomes complicated when Kate realizes she will have to drop an important Chemistry 101 class to make room in her busy schedule. She wonders, Should I follow my head and go to class or follow my heart and report to the hospital? It’s sign up now or wait until next semester. Kate’s heart wins, of course, and she calls the RN with the good news. The energy of The Lovers card will work like a charm. The Chariot The commitment to neonatal helps Kate to unveil her divine mission. The Seeker is qualified for a swift ride on The Chariot. Her circumstances are about to leap forward to a promising future. While comforting a premature little girl, the doctor on staff takes note. “How long have you been working with us?” he asks. “Two months,” she answers without taking
Soar to New Heights with Hope’s Heart Tarot™

May 18th 2019 Are you ready to reap the benefits of a truly revolutionary deck? Hope’s Heart Tarot™ is beautifully illustrated, featuring 4.5-inch diameter round cards, color-coded suits, guidance words, and a gorgeous velveteen drawstring bag. Whether reading for yourself, friends or clients, Hope’s Heart Tarot™ is a wonderful choice for insight, inspiration and empowerment. Available exclusively at http://prairiemagic.com/hopes-heart-tarot-cards/ Check out these 8 GR8 Features! 1 – Round Shape Let’s face it: Most things aren’t yes/no, black/white, this/that. Our complicated world requires more options. Shouldn’t your Tarot cards reflect that reality? The Death card is a great example. As the card turns clockwise from Loss to Courage & Strength, the meanings become more powerful. In a layout, perhaps the card is turned only slightly from The Scorpion to The Eagle, indicating a willingness to move on. If the card lands in a position that is turned to almost The Eagle, a spirit of Courage & Strength is replacing the pain of Loss. Round-shaped cards are instrumental in determining where we are in the process of growth and enlightenment. According to the Reviews of Hope’s Heart Tarot™ found on this website, happy customers reported the following: “I specially love the round design so there can be so many ‘degrees’ of the reading based on how they are turned. In regular tarot you either have the upright or reversed and life has so many additional possibilities.” “This deck is just beautiful and mystical. The cards are round reminding me of the ever changing circle of life.” 2 – Color-Coded Hope’s Heart Tarot™ card suits are color coded for easy identification. The Minor Arcana is specified as: Red: Cups (love – hearts are usually red) Green: Coins (money – dollar bills are green) Brown: Wands (energy and vitality – a brown stick can be set on fire) Blue: Swords (clarity and truth – clear skies for a clear mind) The Major Arcana is specified as purple for divinity. 3 – Descriptive text Guidance words are printed on cards for easy read interpretation. Tarot newbies love this feature! Professional readers favor description text because it helps their clients grasp Tarot concepts. Card messages progress in a clockwise direction, as indicated by arrows between phrases. In this example, the Three of Wands can approach any of these four positions: Straight up – Virtue. The client is properly directing his or her energy towards noble pursuits. Turned 1/4 to the right – Lack of Foresight. Virtue is now being tarnished. Perhaps someone underestimated challenges? The client should regain Virtue or risk the slippery slope of Misadventure. Reversed – Misadventure. Wasted Energy. Ugh. Time to regroup. When the card lands near the reversed position, the client should consider the remedy of the next position. Turned 3/4 to the right – Embrace Change. A Misadventure will turn around with Study and Practice. With some effort, Virtue will be restored. Hope’s Heart Tarot™ cards describe challenges and offer remedy as messages progress in a clockwise rotation. 4 – Fear replaces The Devil card It was never about “him”. It was always about fear. So we kicked “him” out of the deck. A rattlesnake is just as scary, anyway. 5 – The Seeker replaces The Fool Those seeking wisdom are called Seekers. It’s just easier this way. 6 – Relatable Court Cards The Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings are modernized and relatable. Labels on the upright and reversed positions help identify characteristics. Guidance text along either side describe pitfalls and remedies. 7 – Card illustrations feature The Adventure Seekers Saga characters and scenarios The award-winning Adventure Seekers Saga is a series of four visionary fiction novels beautifully illustrated with original Odin’s Runes™ and Hope’s Heart Tarot™ cards. The fast-paced adventure, liberally sprinkled with witty banter and comical situations, takes place in a setting you’d like to visit with characters you’d love to meet. Throughout the series, ancient wisdom helps our heroes conquer modern-day problems as they muse about Tarot cards and moon over Rune stones. 8 – A gorgeous deck and beautiful bag Hope’s Heart Tarot™ includes a 78-card deck plus 2 informational cards and a lush drawstring bag, large enough to hold other decks, crystals, essential oils, or other tools of light. For more information, visit www.PrairieMagic.com About the Author Author Joan Kristin Haugan is a master of Tarot cards, Rune stones and Reiki energy healing. She is knowledgeable in the use and application of essential oils and is well-versed in their healing properties. A graduate of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology with a bachelor’s degree in the field of Geological Engineering, as well as a master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of South Dakota, she worked for a time as an environmental engineer before going into business with her beloved husband. Together, they own J&J Optical and the Sturgis Hitchin’ Post in Sturgis, South Dakota. The award-winning Adventure Seekers Saga incorporates ancient wisdom in the form of an entertaining story. Learn about Tarot cards, Rune stones, essential oils, juicing, positive thinking and astrology signs in these fun and exciting visionary fiction books. Order your copies today at www.prairiemagic.com Hope’s Heart Tarot Cards: Reap the benefits of Tarot wisdom with this easy-to-read deck! Meaningful figures reveal card messages while wording at 90-degree intervals denotes interpretations. Order your deck today from www.prairiemagic.com Odin’s Runes: Finally, a deck that makes Rune throwing easy for everyone! Colorful images support symbol meanings for each of the 24 letters of the Elder FURThARK. Text on the flip side interprets card orientation in 90-degree increments. Odin’s Rune deck is a wonderful tool for everyone, from beginners to professionals. Order your deck today from www.prairiemagic.com Posted By Joan Kristin Haugan