The Seeker’s Journey: Kate’s Story

May 4th 2019 As a professional Tarot reader, I sharpen my skills in the same fashion a pianist plays the scales: by applying Tarot concepts to a real-life situation. Trust me, the process is more fun than you might think, so don’t run for the hills just yet. Whether you’re an experienced reader, or just curious about Tarot cards, this simple exercise can prove beneficial for yourself and others. My hope is that this blog will inspire you to try it for yourself. In this example, I’ll work with the progression of the 22 Major Arcana cards that pave the path for our highest and holiest missions in life. It is true that we have little or no control over many of these divine situations. The only choice we sometimes have is to summon the courage and conviction required to take the leap of faith to set foot on our daring journey. Along the way, the 56 messages of the Minor Arcana will spell out the day-to-day issues, where our own personal power lies in the four suits of the Minor Arcana—the Cups for matters of the heart, Coins for management of resources, Wands for implementation of effort, and Swords for decisions and communication. But that’s another story. Today’s practice will focus only on the big-picture events of the sacred Major Arcana. How does it work? The first step is to invent a character who finds her/himself in a dead-end situation. Yes, a zillion ideas bubble up. What popped into my head was this: At the end of her rope, Kate can’t fathom attending her 10-year high school reunion. She feels like a failure after dropping out of college two months into her freshman year. Also, she was never friends with many of her classmates anyway. But mainly, she has to work that weekend. At her third job. Stocking shelves at a truck stop. Ugh. For Kate, the future looks bleak. Desperate for change, she boldly sets her sights on Nursing school. So pop some corn and sit back in your recliner. It’s story time! The Seeker Kate’s fed up. She’s sick of working all the time and still not being able to pay all her bills. She’s disenchanted with inebriated patrons at the bar she tends and remains uninspired, her only form of entertainment—bad TV. Worse yet, her dismal future holds more of the same. So, she applies for financial aid and enrolls at a local university. With a trembling voice, she quits two of her dead-end jobs. Committed to a better life, she swings a backpack over her shoulder, boldly makes her way through a swarm of college kids in a brand-new pair of knock-off Birkenstock sandals, takes her seat in the front row of Biology 101, and thereby becomes The Seeker. Whether she realizes it or not, Kate’s on a sacred journey. The Magician During her second week, Kate takes advantage of a study break. Mindlessly, she wanders across campus, finds a quiet spot in the shade of an oak tree, and plops down to rest in the warm grass. With a ragged breath and troubled mind, she turns her tired face to the late summer sky. Help me, she silently pleads. As if by miracle, the voices of nearby students ring clearly. “If it’s not connected to God, it doesn’t have any magic,” she overhears. Hmmm, she contemplates as she accepts the divine message. Instinctively, she rests her back against the tree trunk and becomes one with all that is, all that was and all that ever will be. Magic requires me to become The Magician, she realizes. So, she vows to maintain her connection to this Higher Power, allowing divine energy to rule over her relationships, possessions, attention and decisions, which represent, of course, the four suits of the Minor Arcana. The High Priestess For the next few weeks, synchronicity connects her to empowered beings. “This class is designed to help you appreciate the importance of nurses in the medical arts,” her Intro to Nursing professor instructs, channeling the energy of The High Priestess. “Doctors, patients, loved ones of the sick and injured…they will all need you!” she emphasizes, confirming Kate’s commitment to her studies. The Empress and The Emperor “What kind of life will you create for yourself?” her grandmother asks, assuming the role of The Empress. “Have you thought about how you will manage your career and finances?” her older brother questions. In Kate’s eyes, he had always been The Emperor. The Hierophant At a Christmas party, Kate meets the head RN for a local hospital. Her Hierophant stance helps Kate to contemplate the bigger picture. Their conversation sheds light on the specialized fields within the medical industry. “Neonatal,” Kate tells her brother later that night. “I want to help babies.” The Lovers On New Year’s Eve, Kate again crosses paths with the head RN. “Neonatal,” she proudly tells her new friend. A few weeks later, while reporting back to the university for her second semester, the RN shoots her a text informing her of a guaranteed opportunity to volunteer Tuesday afternoons at the local Neonatal unit. What would otherwise be a no-brainer becomes complicated when Kate realizes she will have to drop an important Chemistry 101 class to make room in her busy schedule. She wonders, Should I follow my head and go to class or follow my heart and report to the hospital? It’s sign up now or wait until next semester. Kate’s heart wins, of course, and she calls the RN with the good news. The energy of The Lovers card will work like a charm. The Chariot The commitment to neonatal helps Kate to unveil her divine mission. The Seeker is qualified for a swift ride on The Chariot. Her circumstances are about to leap forward to a promising future. While comforting a premature little girl, the doctor on staff takes note. “How long have you been working with us?” he asks. “Two months,” she answers without taking
Hope’s Heart Tarot Layouts: Power, Beauty and Magic

May 6th 2019 It usually starts with a small purchase and a big giggle. “I did it! I bought a Tarot deck!” an excited Seeker texts to her friend. “Congratulations. Now what?” “I need to learn how to read them, that’s what.” At first, studying the Tarot can seem soooo daunting. Seventy-eight cards. Four suits. And then those mysterious twenty-two cards of Major Arcana that start at zero and end at twenty-one. Ugh. Unfortunately, this is where many aspiring readers give up, and when most decks wind up in a drawer. As a professional Tarot reader, I’m here to tell you that every step of learning this art can be enjoyable, enlightening and (most importantly) empowering. Practice will lead to competence. The wisdom of the Tarot will illuminate all areas of life, benefiting you in countless ways. So…unwrap your deck–or dig it out of that drawer–and let’s get you on your way to becoming a crackerjack tarot reader. FIRST THINGS FIRST Let’s start at the basics. There are two divisions in the Tarot: The Minor and Major Arcana (or secrets). The 22 cards of the Major Arcana describe the big picture, the God path, the aspects of our life that sometimes defy reason. On a different level, the 56 cards of the Minor Arcana define situations and conditions that are within our control, such as the way we behave in relationships, how we manage our money, the degree to which we care for our health and vitality, and the quality of the decisions we make. The Minor Arcana consists of four suits, just like regular playing cards. And, news flash: They aren’t too hard to figure out. Cups, or Hearts, involve people and things we love, such as our spouses, family, pets, basketball, puppies, and a million other concepts that stir up strong emotions. In Tarot, emotion is represented by water. To hold or capture liquid, we need a “cup.” The suit is named “Hearts” in today’s playing cards for obvious reasons. Coins, or Diamonds, relate to how we make and manage money, such as career, banks, being a good steward and getting an education. Coins and Diamonds are obviously good names for this suit. Wands, or Clubs, describe our energy, health, and how we choose to manage our daily activities. Because this suit involves fire (energy), it is represented by a chunk of wood, hence the names Wands and Clubs. Swords, or Spades, require us to make smart decisions, employ logic and reason, and to speak the truth. In Latin, the word “decision” literally means “to cut off.” When we make a choice between two things, one of the options is lost to the chopping block. Ouch! It takes a sharp Sword (mind) to make swift decisions, argue an important point or express a strong opinion. While tough decisions and difficult conversations are necessary for forward progress, the result usually causes pain. Ever wonder what the expression “call a Spade a Spade” is all about? Now you know. Within the suits are numbered cards, Ace to King (sound familiar? Yes, just like today’s playing cards.) Numerology describes progression of messages. To understand card meanings, take into consideration the general topics that involve the suit with the specific characteristics of the numerology. Here’s a quick summary with a few examples: Ace: A seed or new beginning, A chance meeting (Cups), a sudden promotion (Coins), a fresh idea (Swords) Two: The coming together. A planned date (Cups), dedication to excellence (Wands), a decision (Swords) Three: The result or offspring. A celebration of a child (Cups), the heartbreak after a difficult choice (Swords) Four: Stability. A happy home (Wands), financial security (Coins), taking a mental break (Swords) Five: Change and Growing Pains. Financial hardship (Coins), Debate (Swords), Struggle (Wands) Six: Nurturing. Revisiting childhood memories (Cups), applying cause and effect to choices (Swords) Seven: Assessment. Account of money and assets (Coins), daydreaming (Cups), achieving mastery (Wands) Eight: Management. Movement! (Wands), confronting limiting thoughts (Swords), gainful employment (Coins) Nine: Completion. Contentment (Cups), wealth (Coins), overcoming obsession (Swords) Ten: Conclusion. Legacy (Coins), family harmony (Cups), ability to carry a burden (Wands) Court Cards involve aspects of ourselves and/or people in our lives, dead or alive. Page. Youthful and energetic. The Maiden (Cups), The Thinker (Swords), The Intern (Coins) Knight. Young-adult characteristics. Prince Charming (Cups), The Explorer (Wands) Queen. Mature feminine energy. The Nurturer (Cups), The Sage (Swords), The Champion (Wands) King. Mature masculine energy. The Arbitrator (Swords), The Gentleman (Cups), The Executive (Coins) The Major Arcana describes the journey of our personal growth, starting with the Seeker’s first step and progressing through trials, tribulations, self-discovery, joys and triumphs. To understand more about this subject, read my blog The Seeker’s Journey: Kate’s Story.… Tips for working with Hope’s Heart Tarot Cards Many features of Hope’s Heart Tarot cards are helpful to beginning readers. Words around the exterior explain card meanings at 90-degree increments. Arrows direct clockwise card rotation and evolution of card messages. Color coded edges distinguishes suits: Purple – Major Arcana, the royal suit of divinity and God Red – Cups. the suit of love and passion Green – Coins, the suit of money and wealth Brown – Wands, the suit of fire, energy and vitality Blue – Swords, suit of clarity, reason and fairness Shuffling: Whether working with Hope’s Heart Tarot or any other brand of cards, shuffling is an important part of the process. The person whose cards are being read must personally handle the cards in order to place his or her energy into the read. It doesn’t matter how the cards are shuffled. From professional dealer style to just swirling them around on a table–and any method in between–everything goes when reading Tarot. One thing to note: If you are using brand new cards or a deck that has been place in perfect order, shuffle at least a dozen times before proceeding. Managing Round Cards: Because Hope’s Heart Tarot cards are round, and therefore spin and twirl, the person reading the cards must take
T.G.I.M. – Thank God It’s MONDAY!!

May 9th 2019 Do you share TGIF posts? Do you grumble about a case-of-the-Mondays? Worse yet, have you ever celebrated Hump Day? Even Corporate America has bought into this downtrodden system with Geico Insurance’s camel meandering through boring Wednesday, taunting the uninspired cubical dwellers with “Guess what day it is?” TGIFridays Restaurants jumped on the band wagon in namesake alone. Maybe it’s time to burn the hamster wheel? Too many working stiffs dread Mondays, hang by a thread to ‘hump day’ and barely make it to TGIF, when they finally get to indulge in booze and gambling and food, just to wind up spending all of Saturday recovering. Sunday ends up being poisoned because tomorrow is the dreaded Monday, where they start the cycle all over again. Wouldn’t it be better to live with more passion? For inspiration, let’s consult the wisdom of the Tarot cards and the encouragement of the Elder FUThARK of the Norwegian Runes. Sunday – Celebrating YOU with enlightened vitality Of all the days, Sunday is the most special. Set aside for refreshment and regeneration, the first day of the week is usually everyone’s favorite. Pancakes at noon, singing with the chorus, walks in the park, coffee with newspapers—Sundays provide a chance for us to connect with all we find holy and sacred. A well-spent Sunday, devoted to hobbies, lost in a great movie or indulging in delicious foods, can realign our mind, body and spirit. In this enlightened space, we rediscover and honor our true selves. It is here that we shake off the false fronts, unholy pursuits and hurtful actions. Infused by the purity offered by spending time in nature, or with our nose happily planted in a good book, or enjoying the constructive creativity of a worthy hobby, we regain appreciation for our authentic selves. Comfortable in your own skin and confident in your abilities, you end Sunday feeling complete and whole. If you play your cards right (every pun intended), you’ll find yourself waltzing onto the scene tomorrow morning as a unique, powerful, creative creature. There never has been, or ever will be, another YOU. Sunday is, after all, is a day for YOU. Monday – Preparing for success by tapping into deep instincts. Monday is shorthand for Moon Day. And the Moon represents intuition, instinct and the ability to “see in the dark”. Good thing! After all, armed only with a cup of Joe and an inspired mind, Monday’s energy will help you maximize the week’s potential. What opportunities lay hidden, crouching in a stack of in-box papers or lurking across the table at a manager’s meeting? What short-term crisis can morph into a lucky break? These things remain to be seen. In the morning, set aside a few extra minutes to double check your plans and goals. Add in space for reflection and meditation. Throw in five more minutes to address fears and worry. Then, mentally flip scenarios…in your mind, predict what might happen if tables were turned. That demanding client you’re pampering…what if you let him go? The vendor who can’t pay you…can an alternative be negotiated? The psychic energy of Monday will help you aim your arrows high. By allowing new, fresh alternatives to enter your realm of possibilities, you WILL make room for better opportunities. Guided by intuition, your week ahead becomes energized and exciting. With new confidence, you’ll prepare for a great Tuesday. Tuesday – Truth and Justice Tuesday, or Tyr’s Day, is the namesake of Tyr, the Nordic God of Truth and Justice. After a Sunday’s work of embracing your true self and Monday’s time spent contemplating possibilities, Tuesday’s energy centers around humbled integrity. The day begs you to show up as your best self. In our English language, the capitol letter T is derived from the Rune Taiwaz, which also honors Tyr. The shape of “T”, as shown above, originally was formed as an upward pointing arrow. Yes, Taiwaz encourages you to look UP! Tyr, Taiwaz and Tuesday call upon you to RISE! The Protector of Warriors, the spirit of Tyr rewards courage, dignity and respect. It’s as if Tuesday is saying “walk with honor and I will keep you safe.” As most of us have learned (usually the hard way), stepping outside cookie-cutter lifestyles to trail blaze virgin ground can prove dangerous in today’s work environments. But Tuesday dares us to live our truth! Consider this: if you’re on a path, it’s not your own. Tuesday’s end may find you weary. Unique ideas may have ruffled some feathers. You may have been challenged, confronted or even fired. But you spoke your truth and will be awarded accordingly. Wednesday – Thought and Reason Odin (or Woton). The All Father. The solitary wanderer who fearlessly faces the mountains ahead. His crows, Hugin and Munin—or “Thought” and “Reason”—travel the land and bring back news and information. A relentless seeker of wisdom, he has little regard for law and convention. Odin’s passions are focused on intellect and learning. Wednesday, or Woton’s Day, honors the student. Where can you learn more? What questions require answers? Which problems beg for clarity? Moreover, after Tuesday’s potential conflicts, you’re going to need to explain yourself. Which words can best describe your stance? What evidence supports your opinions? With today’s technology, information flies faster than Hugin and Munin. You’re empowered. You’ve charted your course. Wednesday is a great day to defend it. Thursday – Claim your destiny! Did you hear that? BOOM! Thunder crashes across the cosmos as Odin’s son Thor unleashes his fury! His unshakable sense of duty will rail again an unholy regime. In Thor’s day, back in ancient Norway, castles were protected by thorny hedges. Even today, things of value are guarded. We, too, must guard ourselves against those who would rob us or cause us harm. Thor warns us: There will be thorns. There will be giants. You must be strong and brave to claim your destiny! As you might guess, Thursday (Thor’s Day) is in his honor.
The POWER of Rune Stone Symbols

YOU are about to embark on an incredible journey. The moment you begin to study Rune Stone symbols and unlock Nordic wisdom, an ancient spirit will stir your soul. Suddenly, you’ll find yourself on a marvelous odyssey—one filled with thrills and spills, ups and downs, twist and turns. Odin’s Runes will reveal a monumental fable of struggle and gain, guts and glory, and compassion and wisdom. And YOU are the hero. For this story is about YOU and your quest for self-discovery. The symbols described by Odin’s Runes once served as an ancient alphabet. Many generations ago, all the way back to 100 B.C., Nordic men and women carved these same letters on stones in Scandinavia, the British Isles, and Iceland. Inscriptions have even been discovered in North America, supporting claims that Vikings arrived in the Americas long before Columbus. We refer to these letters as “Runes,” which actually means mystery, secret or whisper. Each has a story and esoteric meaning and carries a close relationship to a Norse God. There are 24 Runes, which are also known as the Elder FUThARK, as spell by the first six letters. The alphabet is divided into three aetts (or sets) and reflects the age-old division of nurturer, warrior, and king. The Runes represent your journey through life, and describes obstacles, gifts and vital lessons. Freya’s Aett The Fertility Goddess, Freya’s Runes involve family and survival. She insists you become “the nurturer.” You begin your journey by grasping the concept of Fehu, or “cattle.” This letter describes “moveable wealth,” as livestock can be bought, sold and traded. Fehu beckons you to take “stock” of your life. What do you have? What do you need? You can’t start your adventure until you take inventory. After Fehu’s assessment, you now fuel your voyage with the passion, vitality and reckless abandon of Uruz, or “wild ox.” Energetically, you forge ahead. Unfortunately, your enthusiasm is rudely met with painful resistance. Here, Thorisaz, or “thorns,” teach you that the treasures you seek are fiercely guarded. Worse yet, predators want what you have. So, you learn discipline and prudence. Wisely, you dedicate yourself to study, and learn the lessons of Ansuz. Like the Norse God Odin, who faces the terrifying mountains ahead armed only with his two ravens Muginn (Memory) and Huginn (Thought), you turn to reason and evidence to make wise decisions and become a better leader. Pressing on, you realize that your life is a journey, not a destination, as described by Raidho. Efficient travel only requires a suitable vehicle. With your new-found light brightly shining, Kenaz begs you to lead the way as Gebo rewards your generosity. Finally, Wunjo encourages you to celebrate success and appreciate how far you’ve come. Heimdall’s Aett The Warrior God, Heimdall’s Runes require you to transcend creaturely comforts to become “God-like.” The second aett of your journey confronts you with three difficult lessons. The first Rune, Hagalaz, or “hail,” wreaks havoc by unleashing an unstoppable destructive force. The second, Nauthiz, slams you with yet another indignity. Hurled into a state of need and despair, Isa, or “ice,” holds you, in frozen suspension, for (what seems like) a very long time. But patience and persistence pay off when, at long last, the “wheel” turns and Jera frees you from bondage. Suddenly, you find yourself back on track, smarter and stronger. Reaching this stage was accomplished not by fighting to escape or railing against an unfair fate, but by learning from experiences and waiting for the inevitable thaw. t is at this point when you understand the restorative lessons of Eihwaz, or “yew tree.” This, the thirteenth Rune, marks the middle of the alphabet, where it spins for all of eternity and epitomizes the mystery and power of life cycles. Enlightened by this concept, you embrace courage, where “the gambler’s cup” of Perthro dares you to take calculated risks. Algiz, or “Angels,” then reminds you that throughout your entire journey, you have been protected. After facing fears and surviving hardships, you are now ready to dedicate yourself to a higher cause as you connect with Sowelu, or “the sun,” and become empowered with self-knowledge and hope. Tyr’s Aett The God of Justice, Tyr’s letters encourage you to live for a higher cause and become “the king.” The trials and rewards associated with the first sixteen Runes have forged within you a strong and true spirit. Consequently, you now dare to live with conviction. Here, Taiwaz, or Tyr’s Rune, asks you to make a demanding sacrifice for a greater cause. As a warrior for truth and justice, you willingly surrender something precious, just as Tyr offered his right hand to the wolf Farris in order to save the village. As the sting of the atonement sets in, the healing energy of Berkana, or “birch tree,” immediately rises from within. From this experience, one of the most valuable life lessons is learned: Everything you’ll ever need to find safety and comfort is already within you. Valiant and genuine, true love can finally greet you in sacred Ehwaz, or “horse,” fashion as you begin to forge everlasting partnerships. A true friend, loyal spouse and beloved companion, you become a valued member of Mannaz, or community. Your developing intuition matches that of Laguz, or “the ocean,” as your emotions, which once ruled over you, now serve as a trusted guide. You become a steward as the sacred seeds of Inguz are entrusted into your care. It is only now that you can recognize the new day of Dagaz, and strive to leave behind your legacy, a “heaven on earth,” as your treasures are secured forever in Othalla, or “homeland.” Using Odin’s Runes for Meditation and Study Let Odin’s Runes help you reflect on life. Put the cards in order, 1-24, and arrange the deck in three lines of eight. The top line represents Freya’s Aett, the middle represents Heimdall’s Aett and the bottom represents Tyr’s Aett. Notice how the messages progress from simple life-management skills, to
Soar to New Heights with Hope’s Heart Tarot™

May 18th 2019 Are you ready to reap the benefits of a truly revolutionary deck? Hope’s Heart Tarot™ is beautifully illustrated, featuring 4.5-inch diameter round cards, color-coded suits, guidance words, and a gorgeous velveteen drawstring bag. Whether reading for yourself, friends or clients, Hope’s Heart Tarot™ is a wonderful choice for insight, inspiration and empowerment. Available exclusively at Check out these 8 GR8 Features! 1 – Round Shape Let’s face it: Most things aren’t yes/no, black/white, this/that. Our complicated world requires more options. Shouldn’t your Tarot cards reflect that reality? The Death card is a great example. As the card turns clockwise from Loss to Courage & Strength, the meanings become more powerful. In a layout, perhaps the card is turned only slightly from The Scorpion to The Eagle, indicating a willingness to move on. If the card lands in a position that is turned to almost The Eagle, a spirit of Courage & Strength is replacing the pain of Loss. Round-shaped cards are instrumental in determining where we are in the process of growth and enlightenment. According to the Reviews of Hope’s Heart Tarot™ found on this website, happy customers reported the following: “I specially love the round design so there can be so many ‘degrees’ of the reading based on how they are turned. In regular tarot you either have the upright or reversed and life has so many additional possibilities.” “This deck is just beautiful and mystical. The cards are round reminding me of the ever changing circle of life.” 2 – Color-Coded Hope’s Heart Tarot™ card suits are color coded for easy identification. The Minor Arcana is specified as: Red: Cups (love – hearts are usually red) Green: Coins (money – dollar bills are green) Brown: Wands (energy and vitality – a brown stick can be set on fire) Blue: Swords (clarity and truth – clear skies for a clear mind) The Major Arcana is specified as purple for divinity. 3 – Descriptive text Guidance words are printed on cards for easy read interpretation. Tarot newbies love this feature! Professional readers favor description text because it helps their clients grasp Tarot concepts. Card messages progress in a clockwise direction, as indicated by arrows between phrases. In this example, the Three of Wands can approach any of these four positions: Straight up – Virtue. The client is properly directing his or her energy towards noble pursuits. Turned 1/4 to the right – Lack of Foresight. Virtue is now being tarnished. Perhaps someone underestimated challenges? The client should regain Virtue or risk the slippery slope of Misadventure. Reversed – Misadventure. Wasted Energy. Ugh. Time to regroup. When the card lands near the reversed position, the client should consider the remedy of the next position. Turned 3/4 to the right – Embrace Change. A Misadventure will turn around with Study and Practice. With some effort, Virtue will be restored. Hope’s Heart Tarot™ cards describe challenges and offer remedy as messages progress in a clockwise rotation. 4 – Fear replaces The Devil card It was never about “him”. It was always about fear. So we kicked “him” out of the deck. A rattlesnake is just as scary, anyway. 5 – The Seeker replaces The Fool Those seeking wisdom are called Seekers. It’s just easier this way. 6 – Relatable Court Cards The Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings are modernized and relatable. Labels on the upright and reversed positions help identify characteristics. Guidance text along either side describe pitfalls and remedies. 7 – Card illustrations feature The Adventure Seekers Saga characters and scenarios The award-winning Adventure Seekers Saga is a series of four visionary fiction novels beautifully illustrated with original Odin’s Runes™ and Hope’s Heart Tarot™ cards. The fast-paced adventure, liberally sprinkled with witty banter and comical situations, takes place in a setting you’d like to visit with characters you’d love to meet. Throughout the series, ancient wisdom helps our heroes conquer modern-day problems as they muse about Tarot cards and moon over Rune stones. 8 – A gorgeous deck and beautiful bag Hope’s Heart Tarot™ includes a 78-card deck plus 2 informational cards and a lush drawstring bag, large enough to hold other decks, crystals, essential oils, or other tools of light. For more information, visit About the Author Author Joan Kristin Haugan is a master of Tarot cards, Rune stones and Reiki energy healing. She is knowledgeable in the use and application of essential oils and is well-versed in their healing properties. A graduate of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology with a bachelor’s degree in the field of Geological Engineering, as well as a master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of South Dakota, she worked for a time as an environmental engineer before going into business with her beloved husband. Together, they own J&J Optical and the Sturgis Hitchin’ Post in Sturgis, South Dakota. The award-winning Adventure Seekers Saga incorporates ancient wisdom in the form of an entertaining story. Learn about Tarot cards, Rune stones, essential oils, juicing, positive thinking and astrology signs in these fun and exciting visionary fiction books. Order your copies today at Hope’s Heart Tarot Cards: Reap the benefits of Tarot wisdom with this easy-to-read deck! Meaningful figures reveal card messages while wording at 90-degree intervals denotes interpretations. Order your deck today from Odin’s Runes: Finally, a deck that makes Rune throwing easy for everyone! Colorful images support symbol meanings for each of the 24 letters of the Elder FURThARK. Text on the flip side interprets card orientation in 90-degree increments. Odin’s Rune deck is a wonderful tool for everyone, from beginners to professionals. Order your deck today from Posted By Joan Kristin Haugan
ODIN’S RUNES – The empowered elder FUThARK in action!

Odin’s Rune deck is a wonderful tool for everyone, from beginners to professionals. Learn rune symbols and the Elder FUThARK! Experience Nordic wisdom! Odin’s Legacy Press, Sturgis, South Dakota, introduces Odin’s Runes, an innovative round 25 card deck printed with word guidance to speed symbol learning and interpretations! Odin’s Runes offers four unique design elements to enhance and support reads: ✅ Square deck – The deck’s 4 inch-wide square cards allow four degrees of options. ✅ Original artistic pictures support symbol meanings. All cards feature the basic object or idea behind the ancient symbol. ✅ Printed word guidance and directional arrows ➡️ Each card is printed with 4 phrases to easily identify behaviors and remedies during reads. The printed phrases suggest direction to find relief, prosperity, and redemption. The card’s clockwise arrows indicate message rotation. ✅ Dual-sided card – Graphics, text and information graces both sides of the cards, allowing readers maximum benefit from Nordic wisdom. The 25 card beautifully illustrated deck comes with a mini-guide book and tuck box.
Experience! Odin’s Runes

Free online rune game. Click here to play! Heros and villians from Prairie Magic full-character audiodrama will interpret the runes to help you find your path and claim your destiny! You’ll love every minute of this entertaining and enlightening game. Best of all it’s free! Play again and again to your heart’s content.
HOPE’S HEART TAROT™ – Round deck with inspirational messages.

New! Hope’s Heart Tarot – a beautifully illustrated round deck printed with word guidance for easy interpretations for both experienced and beginning Tarot readers. The 78 card deck also includes a beautiful royal blue velveteen drawstring storage pouch. How is this deck different from the others? Hope’s Heart Tarot offers four unique design elements to enhance and support reads for both experienced and new tarot enthusiasts: Round deck The deck’s 4.5 inch-diameter round cards allow 360-degrees of options. How better to see all sides of things? Color-coded All cards feature a color-coded rope edge to easily identify the Major Arcana and all four suits of the Minor Arcana. Word guidance and directional arrows printed on cards Each card is printed with 4 outer and 4 inner phrases to easily identify behaviors and remedies during reads. The printed phrases suggest direction to find relief, prosperity, and redemption. The card’s clockwise arrows indicate message rotation. Fear and Seeker cards replace traditional Devil and Fool cards The “Devil” card is renamed “Fear” and the “Fool” card renamed “The Seeker” to provide an alternative view for tarot readers and their clients. The “Fear” card encourages understanding of challenges and solutions while the “The Seeker” supports consideration of one’s journey.

A journey unfolds! Adventure awaits! Experience the thrills and chills of the Hansons and Good Elks as they overcome adversity while fighting for a better future. Exciting and enlightening, award-winning Prairie Magic is the perfect mix of warm humor and ancient wisdom. “Prairie Magic features a cast of characters you’d like to meet in a setting you’d want to visit.” Five star review With its full-color illustrations and invigorating storyline, you’ll find yourself in stitches, laughing and learning. “This book lives up to its title. It’s a magical ride on a magical carpet with interwoven stories and themes.” Five-star review The books of The Adventure Seekers Saga tell an uplifting, captivating tale. Charismatic characters triumph by weaving ancient wisdom with horse sense. Prairie Magic (the first book of the series) is teeming with powerful messages about living a positive, healthy life—physically, emotionally and spiritually. It’s an inspirational story about faith, forgiveness and love. Meet Floridian Victor Garcia as he stumbles into South Dakota during an annual rodeo and falls in love with our beautiful heroine, Hope. Let waterfalls and Mansi Good Elk’s tender loving care lull you into a peaceful, healthy state at her Plucked Flower Spa. “I was amazed how many times I laughed out loud!” Five-star review Join the excitement as an array of fascinating characters are mysteriously guided into each other’s paths, and learn to summons the courage, optimism and creative vision needed to establish fulfilling, authentic lives. “Wow! What a read. I couldn’t put it down.” Five-star review

Mysterious forces and powerful horses! Saddle up for a rollicking ride as Rebel, the spirited steed, teaches us to boldly follow our own paths! Award-winning Rebel, the second installment of The Adventure Seekers Saga, is summed up best by this five star review: “This book teaches the reader that life is a divine gift and that if we listen to the rebel in all of us, we can do whatever we want when love is the seed.” Get to know Wolfgang Eichenberg as he endeavors to transform a rundown Wyoming ranch into a profitable family resort, with the help of a colorful crew of creative, enterprising friends. Visit the stunning Devils Tower monument and learn the Native American lore of this sacred monolith. “Fun Read! Playful and entertaining, with a meaningful message and insight.” Five-star review Mystery and tension abound in this tale of self-discovery and spiritual transformation: Why is Patwin Good Elk acting so strangely? Will Mansi’s and Grace’s alternative healing save Blake’s life? And how will best friends Tokada Good Elk and Victor Garcia lead their families through life’s trials and tribulations to help them emerge victorious through faith, courage and belief in themselves and their dreams? In the pages of Rebel, learn more about Astrology signs and Rune stone messages. Muster the courage to become a rebel yourself! “Lighthearted and easy to read, this storyline is fast-paced with lots of characters and interweaving plots.” Five-star review.